Monday, May 12, 2008

First Post!

It's starting to settle in...that I'm really going. I kinda figured I would be and that's what I told most people, but now its really happening. I'm excited, scared, nervous, anxious all at the same time. I haven't yet gotten much of a chance to do a lot of leisurely research on Honduras or what other PCVs have done there. These first two weeks are going to be crazy. I got a call on the 1st of May from the Placement Office in DC and I was told that I was being invited and they were going to overnight my package the next day. What a weekend...waiting until Monday...anxiously awaiting what country it was going to be. Then to sit through work all was quite an unproductive day.

I told my supervisors on Wednesday, which was a huge weight off my shoulders. It was hard...I really like where I'm working now, but I truely believe that this is the best decision for this point in my life. I've waited and passed up other opportunites to (possibly) do Peace Corps in the past, I couldn't let it get by me again. I think I would have deeply regretted it and not been as happy or productive at work. We're telling the rest of the staff at our montly meeting this afternoon. It will be nice not to have to be hush-hush about it.

Right now I'm trying to focus on getting my room rented out and making sure my finances are in place. Once that's cleared up, I'll be able to relax a little more...I'm still stressing about it at this point though. This weeks to do list: aspiration statement, resume, passport info, clean and pack as much as possible and try to find a subleasor!

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