Saturday, June 21, 2008

Michigan in a week!

As the days are dwindling down I find it harder and harder to believe that I'm really leaving. I don't think it will hit me until right before I take off for DC! I know that these things are coming up but until I'm stepping on a plane or getting in a car to drive across the country, it doesn't quite seem real. I've been in California for just over two years and as much as I complain and say how much I hate Orange County, it can really grow on a person.

I try not to get too upset but its hard not to keep thinking "This is the last time I'll be doing _____." I was much better this week than I was the previous...way too emotional for a while. It always seems that as soon as I feel like I have a life somewhere, I pick up and leave again. That is my choice...and right now, I don't think I'd really want it any other way. There's so much to do and experience. I've made some great friends here and have wonderful memories... and I look forward to keeping in touch with everyone and seeing how we all are going to grow, learn and develop into our true selves. On that note...make sure that I keep in touch with you! Haha...I sometimes am not so great at that; I realize it and I apologize ahead of time. Its not that I've forgotten or don't care, but sometimes I need a good kick in the dupa!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Life Condensed...

I'm currently living out of a bag and crashing with a friend. I've been able to condense my things down to 1 hockey bag of clothes (which about 1/3 are work-related...and too big since I've lost they will not be traveling any further than Anaheim), 1 suitcase that's half-full with toiletries and a few electronics...and I mailed home a box of things to Michigan. My life officially could fit into a Mini Cooper. And I'd still have room for 2 passengers.

Its humbling...I like to not be tied down by my posessions or feel that they control my life. Its also sad in a way, but its the way it must be, eh?